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Truckers Looking to Haul in More Profits

Posted On: July 27, 2018

Werner Enterprises, Knight-Swift Transportation and other trucking companies are reporting earnings this week and carriers are raising rates after a months-long rally in transportation demand. Many trucking companies are hoping to turn the most robust freight market in quite some time into a stronger long-term financial footing.

Read more about this story from the Wall Street Journal


NYC Ban on Foam Food Service Products

Posted On: June 20, 2018

NYC has recently upheld a ban on foam food service products and their use. Violations of the ban will result in a fine starting in the summer of 2019. Dart Container Corporation plans to fight the ban.

Read more in this press release from Dart


Truck Shortage Causing Shipment Problems

Posted On: April 27, 2018

There is a nationwide truck shortage that is causing havoc for many businesses across the country. This shortage is forcing many shippers to either postpone or cut shipments or pay a significant amount to get the shipments out on time. 



Not Everyone Pleased With Restaurants Going Cashless

Posted On: April 26, 2018

There is a growing trend among a number of restaurants across the country that are no longer accepting cash. Starbucks and Shack Shack are running test locations, whereas the entire chains of Sweetgreen, Dos Toros and Tender Greens are moving exclusively to credit cards only. The agrument these stores present by not dealing with cash is that it helps move the lines of customers faster, as there is no more counting change. The chains also argue that a large majority of the people who coe in pay with credit cards anyway.

However, there has been a backlash to this cashless movement. Behind this push-back are state lawmakers, the National Retail Federation and a company that services ATMs who feel this is an un-American act. On any bill are the words " This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private." So, by excluidng this right, they are infringing on an American freedom to pay with legal tender.

There is currently no federal law that addresses this issue, but New York state Assemblyman Richard Gottfired thinks something should happen before it is too late. "I think Americans ought to have a right to pay with cash," Gottfried told the NY Post in a recent article, "It makes sense to put a halt to this before it becomes too common and too hard to stop." 

Not all restaurants, though, are sold on this idea and many in the New York metro area have said they will continue to accept cash. Credit Card companies, of course, are championing the idea of going cashless, so it will be interesting to see if this becomes more than a simple trend or if it grows into something more prevalent.


NYC Bans Curbside Drop-offs

Posted On: March 20, 2018

Curbside Ban

Today marks the first day of the new curbside drop-off ban for deliveries. It is only limited now, but will be expanding in the future.

Click Here To Read New York Post Article  


Filtration System Promises to Make Any Pizza Taste Like NYC’s

Posted On: March 19, 2018

New York City quality pizza west of the Hudson?
I thought you'd be interested in this story:
Click here to read New York Post article


Americans can’t get Enough of Coffee: Study

Posted On: March 19, 2018

Coffee! Lots of Americans! Drinking it more!
I thought you'd be interested in this story:
Click here to read New York Post article


Opening of New Facility

Posted On: March 09, 2018

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